Monday, September 13, 2010

STS: The Problem With Pogos

Here's a Trailer for the Original star Trek Series spoof I worked on (as in: directed, produced, set, costumes, filming, writing, lighting, animation, and acting). Lindsay was a wonderful secretary, I needed someone to organize dates for me.

Everyone did such a great job!

Saturday, September 11, 2010

music video

So, I haven't written in a really long time, and I mean, a really long time. Things have been going pretty much like clockwork, I finished shooting a star trek spoof before the summer was out, school started, I have an editing dadline in a week, and a top secret music video that I will be shooting in the spring of next year.
I'm planning on getting a new camera for this upcoming music video shoot (something that I desperately need), and if I budget right everything should go smoothly. If you live in the Houston area you can be in the video, it's for Jennifer Grassman's- The Haunting. (check her out:, . She recently won a Houston Press Award for Best Keyboardist and opened for Grammy winner Jon Vesner. Anyway, it should be booking.
Other than film and school stuff I fave finally gotten a new phone, something that was much overdue.

Friday, May 21, 2010

So, to begin, Lindsay and I have been working on cleaning up the apartment and building pieces to the set. I'm amazed at how much Lindsay has done actually, I built only two consoles (which will be mounted on the walls) and she built three and painted them. There is still plenty for me to do however, I have been storyboarding the script, which is a lot more work than it sounds like.
I'm aiming to start filming the actual production of my skit in early July and I'm glad to have a good cast on board.
I'm also going through the editing process with Jennifer Grassman's ( music video Bedroom Door. I can't quite decide how I want it's overall appearance to look, I was going to go with an antique sort of look but I could also go with an unsaturated somber sort of blue look. Either way I go it all is about the music and Bedroom Door is a beautiful piece of music. Make sure you check out her music!

Friday, April 30, 2010

First Blog <----innovative title

OK, so I have never really blogged before (actually, this is the first official "blog" I've ever had) and there is a slight chance that I won't keep up with it too well. "cough, cough".

Basically I'm hoping that here I can have kind of a centralized location where I can post blogs/blog photos of my creative endeavors, artwork, etc, without having them strewn all over the cybernetic universe. I think that it's part of the artistic temperament to be disorganized. Actually, I'm not really disorganized, I know where everything is when I need it, just no one else does. (Example: Q- "where was that booklet?" A-"It's in the general vicinity of the computer desk under a heap of crap and probably a cat."). So, if you want to feel like you're on Fallout 3 my apartment is the place to hang, ha! ha! I'm just joshing, Megaton is much cleaner than my apartment.